Financial Planning

Comprehensive Financial Planning

We do financial planning because there are financial products being sold everywhere but no one cares about the real needs of the client. We want to change that situation by providing clients a comprehensive plan and only the necessary financial products, based on what they want in their lives.

Getting Financial Plan is the first step towards turning the invisible into the visible.

It would tell you "Where are you now?", "What may you need in future?" and "What you must do to reach your goals?"
Getting Financial Plan is deciding a road map for you self. It is deciding in advance how you will invest your money which helps you achieve your Financial Goals in life comfortably. It will give you a Path on which you just have to walk overtime. Financial Plan is about Consistency. It’s about having a vision. It’s about promise to you that you will follow the plan with discipline. It’s not about getting 30% or 40% it’s about getting X%.
Now as investor you always fall into two categories you either make investment without plan or make with plan.
If, you don’t have financial plan. 
  •   You experiment with your hard earned money.
  •   You end up with wrong buying financial products.
  •   You Travel a journey without a destination… mean no target.
  •   You Stop Playing 100% in your financial life.
  •   You are Under Agents and Distributor's Control to buy idiotic products which you may not need.
  •   Your Financial Life is running Luck by Chance, not luck by CHOICE.
And these things can be avoided, if you have financial planning place.
Transform your financial life so that you would give it at least 8-9 stars out of 10 if you were to rate it.
Get financial plan that shall help you move forward. Consider paying for advice and getting plan as an investment, rather than just another monthly expanse.

You like to pay Doctor Fees, Architech Fees, Lawyer fees and accordingly professional Financial Planner charges fees. The fees are charaged for the competent and unbiased advice which our Financial Planner gives you by using his expertise and experience.
What is the value I will get for paying Rs.12,000 plus for a Comprehensive Financial Plan?
We pay money to products & services which add value to our lives. This value will be derived from our recommendations on “right things you are not doing” and “wrong things you are doing”. Taking corrective and preventive actions helps you avoid costly mistakes and pursue opportunities. The value of financial planning to a client’s life cannot be quantified… it is beyond numbers. 
As we believe that more than "Investment Returns", Financial Planning is about leading a disciplined financial life, having clarity of goals, being organized with your data and documents prepare for emergencies in life, take joint financial decisions etc – all leading to peace of mind, ability to achieve more and lead a balanced life.

If you are thinking of “how much extra returns I will get by paying Rs. 12,000 plus?”, our services may not be the right one for you. 
In the interest of better defining our relationship, we hope that you won't hesitate to contact us at the address below so that we can make an appointment and review your financial position together. 
A Financial Plan would help you answer these questions, and more
►   What’s my net worth?
►   Are Financial Ratio’s Healthy?
►   How will Inflation affect my Financial Plan?
►   What is my asset allocation?
►   What is my risk profile? 
   Are  my savings being channelized efficiently?
►   How much money should I have for contingency purposes? 
►   How to plan for your life insurance, health insurance and other financial goals like retirement and children related goals.? Read more...


Let's understand how people often; pay the fees irrespective of their earnings?

People buy an arbitrary ULIP insurance policy with a premium of Rs50,000 per annum because the salesman was really persuasive or some uncle (or dad' close friend) happened to be an agent and sold a policy to save tax and secure future. If that person is in 30% tax bracket, he will save Rs15,000 in tax. But if that was an ULIP with a 50% premium allocation charge( which is the case, quite often), Rs25,000 is lost the moment one signs the document. So one saves 15k and loses 25k as charges! Part of that, one has, actually paid indirectly fee to the agent for buying biased product, still he is happy to pay him and considered as good investment instead of expense. And yet, these are the same people who say "10K for a financial plan-too costly!"

Do Contact us for more information and your customized Financial Planning 


K J Ramesh said...

I wonder which ULIP product gives 50% as commission!!! 25k out of 50k as agent commission?

Suresh K Narula said...

It does not matter of commission, matter lies what you get while buying ULIP plans. While buying ULIP, you have to pay all charges include Premium allocation, FMC, Mortality, Administration charges, still you are happy to pay the same for biased product.